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Automated Interview Scheduling – Stop Playing Phone Tag!


Fast Recruiting’s automated interview scheduling system, enables you to stop playing phone tag with your top prospects, and get them scheduled for an interview quickly, easily and effectively.  To setup your FR automated interview scheduling system, you first set your availability as shown below.  Setup each Interview time period you wish to enable an applicant to choose for each day of the week you wish to conduct interviews.  You can setup and manage your Phone and Personal Interview settings here.  If there are specific dates off you would like to block off of availability, you can also do this here.  The number of days forward determines how many days into the future you would like applicants to be able to register for an interview.  Click on image for full screen.

Availability setup

The other thing required on setting up your automated interview system is to create email templates that will serve as the “Invite to Phone” or “Invite to Personal Interview.” You need to create a template for both Phone and Personal Interviews. Below is an example. Click on image for full screen.

Invite to interview email template

Now that you have everything setup, all there is to using the automated interview scheduling is to checkmark the prospects/applicants you wish to Invite, and then hit the Invite to Phone or Personal interview buttons. You will get a confirmation that the email was successfully sent, and the Applicants status will automatically change to “Invited to Personal Interview” or “Invited to Phone Interview.”  Once the applicant selects an interview Date/Time, this will show on your Dashboard “Fastlinks” as well as within your calendar.  The recruiter will also then receive an email with the Interview details.  Click on image for full screen.

Automated Interview Scheduling image

Confirmation and Change of Status.

Automated Interview Scheduling Confirmation Image